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法医心理学是一门以法律为重点研究人类行为的学科. 在博彩平台推荐的法医心理学项目, you’ll explore this relationship through a blend of coursework in psychology and criminal justice. 作为这个项目的毕业生, 你将为在各种专业相关领域工作做好准备, 包括犯罪行为, 修正, 法院, 诊断, 治疗和更多.  

与格蕾丝一起发现学者,了解TU教授, 谁在他们的领域工作过, so they can share their first-hand experience – and give their full support for their students’ future careers.

法医心理学是一个充满活力和不断发展的领域. 只有大约20所学校提供法医心理学学士学位, 而博彩平台推荐也以我们的顶尖水平成为了该领域的佼佼者, 美国心理学会认可的项目.

Our 法医心理学 major is designed for students who are interested in examining the relationship between psychology and the criminal justice system. 在这个节目中, 你将掌握如何对待罪犯的知识, 受害者研究, 危机干预, 咨询, 精神病理学, 人格评估与研究方法.

You’ll also study the application of psychological principles to the resolution of problems in the administration of criminal justice, 比如选择陪审团, 警察压力与康复方案设计.

Forensic psychology graduates can begin careers in either a clinical setting where they work directly with offenders and victims, or in a research setting where empirical answers are sought to crucial issues affecting the administration of criminal justice.

  • Small class sizes make possible an unmatched student focus and individualized attention.
  • 你将参加广泛的课外活动, 包括实习, 实地考察旅行, 会议和更多.
  • 一个专业的实习——无论是在联邦政府, 州级或地方级-将为你提供宝贵的经验, 技能和人脉.
  • 该项目提供了一个多样化和广泛的校友网络.

Note: The ability to practice as a professional psychologist or as a professional mental health counselor is highly regulated in all 状态s. 作为一名法医心理学家,需要研究生学习和执照. TU’s program will prepare you for a variety of entry-level careers or graduate study.

在我们的节目中, you’ll learn about real-world 法医心理学 from real-world practitioners – via faculty who are forensic psychologists; 实地考察旅行 to various agencies; guest speakers who are working professionals; hands-on internships, both domestic and abroad; and more.

As part of a practitioner-focused program, you acquire the most current, relevant field knowledge. 和, 你会发展出专业的, 事业预备技能, 包括临床技能, 研究技能, 沟通技巧, legal and agency management skills and more – all of which you’ll use immediately in employment upon graduation.


在俄亥俄州宣誓成为一名警察, 你必须成功完成俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA). Tiffin University partners with Terra State Community College to include the cost of the academy in tuition and can be earned in just one semester.

This unique training academy is 状态 mandated for all police officers and covers firearms, 依法行政, 人际关系, 交通, 巡逻, 开车, 主题控制, 调查, 内乱, 体能调理等方面的执法. Students apply direct, hands-on practice in the crime lab, firing range and police cruisers. 有经验的, 认证讲师和动手应用, 我们的学生在国家认证的考试中始终达到通过率. 一旦该计划的毕业生获得认证, 他们立即有资格获得全职工作.

体验式学习是我们课程的基础, 所有法医心理学的学生都受益于边做边学的教育. Current event issues in the field of 法医心理学 are front and center in our classes. 您将通过应用程序和解决问题的项目来解决这些问题, 集团项目, 研究项目, 政策发展项目, 实地参观及更多.

The internship requirement will provide you valuable hands-on experience in the field. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in a federal internship via the 华盛顿中心. You can also choose to pursue an internship with a 状态 or local agency, or even internationally.

  • 创建, present and publish your own original empirical research – presenting at TU’s research conference as well as local, 状态, 国内和国际会议.
  • 在可以立即应用于该领域问题的项目上进行合作.
  • 去参观联邦和州机构.
  • Participate in 实地考察旅行 to observe forensic psychologists and their working environments.
  • Attend professional conferences to gain insights from thought leaders in the field.
  • 与演讲嘉宾互动,他们是目前工作的专业人士.
  • Engage in service learning and community-based learning, which are always embedded in our programs.

刑事司法学院核心课程= 18学时

法医心理学专业= 45小时

午餐校园和在线 & Extended Learning major courses, 3 hours each (to be taken in addition to Criminal Justice Core):

  • FOR105受害者研究
  • FOR310威胁评估
  • FOR344暴力与攻击心理学(w)
  • FOR430危机干预策略
  • FOR460心理学与法律(w)
  • JUS461刑事司法高级研讨班(w)
  • 心理学入门
  • 社会心理学
  • PSY360心理咨询入门
  • PSY362异常行为
  • 社会学基本原理
  • 社会多元文化问题(w)
  • 实习二
  • 下列之一:
    • COR420机构管理
    • FOR347性犯罪心理学
    • 《毒品与社会
    • 死亡与临终
    • 心理269人类的性欲

总计 = 42小时

刑事司法学士总学时= 121

这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


受害者研究(FOR105) – This course focuses on the victims rather than the offenders; why they have been recently rediscovered, why they often do not report crimes to police; how some victims might share responsibility for the crimes with the offenders; how they can be repaid for their losses through offender restitution and 政府ernment compensation; and what new services are available to help victims prevent crimes and resist attacks. 对犯罪受害者的社会和情感反应进行了检查.

暴力与攻击心理学(FOR344) -本课程探讨暴力的方法、模式和意义的变化. 特别注意街头的个人和集体暴力, 在学校, 在家里, 媒体内部, 警察, 恐怖分子和军队. 解释暴力原因的主要理论, and important research about attitudes toward violence and the showing of force to bring about change are reviewed. 这是一门写作强化课程.

危机干预策略(FOR430) – Focuses on the theory and practice of intervention in various acute situations common in work with criminal justice clients, e.g., 家庭暴力, 自杀威胁/尝试, 身体或性虐待和急性药物依赖发作.

心理学与法律(FOR460) – Course studies the psychology assumptions that the law makes and the differences between law and psychology regarding models of behavior, 变化理论, 道德与价值观. 心理在法律程序中的作用, 议事规则, 陪审团制度和心理学家在法庭上进行了深入的研究. 这是一门写作强化课程.

社会心理学(SOC250) -研究人们对他人的信仰和行为的影响. 主题将包括社会感知和归因, 自我表现, 态度和态度的改变, 侵略和暴力, 群体动力学及其与选定领域的关系.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

Students graduating with a 法医心理学 degree have a wide range of opportunities. Previous 法医心理学 graduates have pursued advanced degrees and have gone on to be accepted to law school; master’s programs in criminal justice, 法医心理学, mental health 咨询 and school 咨询; and doctoral programs in 法医心理学 and clinical psychology.

  • 律师*
  • 行为障碍咨询师*
  • 案例管理器
  • 惩教专员
  • 法庭转职计划工作人员
  • 刑事调查员
  • 侦探
  • 研究生或法学院
  • 情报分析师
  • 调查员
  • 地方,州或联邦执法
  • 精神健康顾问*
  • 假释或缓刑监督官
  • 研究员
  • 住院治疗专家
  • 药物滥用顾问
  • 受害者主张



虽然获得这样的职位竞争非常激烈, TU校友已经在这些机构工作:

  • 收养联系,PA
  • 首都警察
  • 人行横道,有限责任公司
  • 公共防卫部
  • 缉毒局
  • 联邦调查局
  • 联邦监狱局
  • 生活的基础
  • 地方、州和联邦警察机构
  • 地方,州和联邦监狱系统
  • 市法院
  • 国家药物管制政策办公室
  • 俄亥俄州总检察长办公室
  • 俄亥俄州治安官办公室
  • 俄亥俄州康复和矫正部
  • 奥莉安娜大厦有限公司.
  • S. 警察
  • 受害者辩护律师职位





“这是我人生中最美好的四年. It is a small school but this allows you to meet so many new people and make friendships that are going to last a lifetime. 蒂芬的教职员工真的很了不起.”

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